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Contact us

We are at your disposal for any information

Estate cantina pizzolato

La Cantina Pizzolato SRL SB

Administrative headquarters, basement and offices
Via IV Novembre, 12 - Villorba (TV) - Treviso - Italy
P.IVA e C.F. 04696960261
Isc.Reg. Imp. TV - 371096
Capital Stock 50,000.00

Headquarters and logistics warehouse
Via delle industrie 2 - Giavera del Montello (TV) - Treviso - Italy
08.00-12.00 / 14.00-17.00

officina del Vino

Agri Wine bar, agritourism and event space
Via IV Novembre, 12 - Villorba (TV) - Treviso - Italy

La Cantina Pizzolato SRL SB

Administrative headquarters, basement and offices
Via IV Novembre, 12 - Villorba (TV) - Italy
P.IVA e C.F. 04696960261
Isc.Reg. Imp. TV - 371096
Capital stock 50,000.00

Headquarters and logistics warehouse
Via delle industrie 2 - Giavera del Montello (TV) - Italy
08.00-12.00 / 14.00-17.00

Officina del Vino

Agri Wine bar, private and business event space
Via IV Novembre, 12 - Villorba (TV) - Italy

Tel: +39 0422 1847211 

E-mail: experience@lacantinapizzolato.com

Write to us, we are at your disposal!

Where you can find us

"L'Officina del Vino" is located adjacent to Cantina Pizzolato continuing on Via Cal di Treviso toward the entrance on the left separated among the Pizzolato vineyards.

point of sale in villorba

Direct sale of organic wines at the winery

Direct sales of bottled organic wines and bulk wine in the winery



09.00 - 12. 30 / 15.00 - 18.30 


09.00 - 13.00 


Our headquarters and sales outlet reside in the heart of the Treviso countryside, between Villorba and Povegliano, 5 km from the A4 freeway exit of Treviso Nord.

Estate casale terzo

Estate casale terzo

Casale Terzo Soc. Agr. SRL
Via Casale Collalto, 3 - 53034 - Colle di Val d'Elsa (SI)
P.IVA e C.F: 01539840528

Where you can find us

At the sign Collalto go straight ahead, you will come to a bottleneck with a small church in front. From here keep left on a dirt road: after about 1 km you will have arrived at Casale.

Write to us, we are at your disposal!

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