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NEWS AND BLOG > At Giacomelli Palace, stage zero of the "Sustainable Eco Network" tour: an exhibition promoting circular economy projects

At Giacomelli Palace, stage zero of the "Sustainable Eco Network" tour: an exhibition promoting circular economy projects

June 3, 2022

 ~ 5 min reading


Palazzo Giacomelli hosts stage zero of the "Sustainable Eco Network" tour: an exhibition promoting circular economy projects created by networking the companies of Assindustria Veneto Centro's "Sustainability Group."

The eco-project will host an original exhibition of works made by 15 Treviso companies from reused materials from June 5 to 10. 

With an intuition ahead of its time, the Sustainable Eco-Network by Ricrearti project networks companies sensitive to the issues of environmental protection by proposing the cross-utilization of production waste so that it is no longer such, but becomes new resources translated into artistic, craft or functional objects. In line with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, a qualitative leap is proposed in the vision of what is produced, including residues, because what for one company may be a surplus to be eliminated, for another may become a useful element to give life to something of value, considering that the company itself is the first to be able to invest in itself for a green future.
The Eco-Network makes it possible to save internal resources, optimize materials and create cross-synergy among entrepreneurs by promoting "business culture." The potential of this system makes it possible to never create the same objects, giving the opportunity to have exclusive lines even to those who operate in the same sector.
Ricrearti's innovative approach is grasped in the roundup of original prototypes that on an experimental basis have been made , in compliance with as many as 9 points of Agenda 2030.

The networked companies are: Codognotto (Salgareda), Cytech (San Vendemiano), Dersut Caffè (Conegliano), Dotto Trains (Castelfranco Veneto), Galdi (Paese), Metalmont (Revine Lago), Perlagewines (Farra di Soligo), Rudy Project (Treviso), Scarpa (Asolo), Service Vending (Santa Lucia di Piave), Silca (Vittorio Veneto), Sincromia (Roveredo in piano), Veneto Vetro (Montebelluna.

Also on display are creations from Amorim Cork Italia's Suber line born from ETICO, a project of the collection of used caps, and our bottle M-USE, born to later become something else such as a lamp base but also a storage container.

For the creation of the prototypes, Ricrearti involved the Associazione il Pesco of Mogliano Veneto and the Piccola Comunità of Conegliano, which take in people who are disadvantaged in various ways. These original objects, along the lines of applied arts, could in the future be mass produced, starting a chain of virtuous creative reuse.

Already presented at Assindustria Venetocentro's recent Sustainability Week at the Province of Treviso headquarters at Sant'Artemio, the exhibition, after Palazzo Giacomelli, begins a tour starting at Veneto Vetro in Montebelleuna to follow at the Dersut Coffee Museum, the Assindustria Veneto Centro Assembly headquarters and continuing in 2023 at other companies that participated in the project, including our headquarters.

The exhibition is open June 5-10 during the opening hours of Giacomelli Palace (8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. - 2 p.m. - 7 p.m.) and is free admission.

You can browse the catalog of the traveling exhibition here.