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NEWS AND BLOG > Our H.Heroes wines: in solidarity to say out loud...Thank you!

Our H.Heroes wines: in solidarity to say loudly...Thank you!

May 8, 2020

Ā ~ 5 min reading


Our H.Heroes bottles dedicated to modern-day heroes whose proceeds will go to the Italian Red Cross

The days of this health emergency will also be remembered for all those initiatives that sought and seek to restore to the community the deep meaning that animates many productive realities in our country.

This is why, in our own small way, we wanted to take the opportunity to say thank you in the way closest to us: through wine! Our H.Heroes wines, in fact, have become the protagonists of a solidarity project to thank the HEROES of these days and whom we will never forget.


Proceeds from the bottles, which were dressed not only with the well-known superhero label but also with a vignette depicting the little mask, the symbol of this battle, will be donated to the Italian Red Cross engaged in a variety of community and health projects. One of the projects, which you can learn more about by clicking HERE, provides concrete help to the neediest families with the distribution of food vouchers.

Our project is 100 percent supportive because all the people involved in the initiative made a voluntary and unpaid commitment to its implementation.

"This initiative was born out of a deep reflection we felt the need to do during the first weeks of the emergency. This moment of confrontation reminded us of the idea that inspired us a few years ago to produce the H.Heroes line of wines, which was created at the time to celebrate ordinary people who are busy juggling a thousand commitments and who become the silent heroes of everyday life. Looking at these labels, therefore, it became natural for us to think of dedicating these wines today to all the "heroes in masks" who are fighting daily, with commitment and sacrifice, the fight against the ongoing pandemic: doctors, nurses, health workers but also sales clerks, shopkeepers, law enforcement officers and all those who are donating their efforts on the front lines for all of us. To them goes not only our most sincere thanks but through this project we wish to offer concrete help to actively contribute to the emergency," says Sabrina Rodelli, export manager of Cantina

Discover the solidarity bottles by clicking here!

"To the superheroes of our day.
Silent, invisible, but always present.
Our most heartfelt Thank You."


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